Organized in 1874, the Knights of Revelry is the third oldest Mardi Gras parading group in Mobile, Alabama. From the start, KOR has paraded during the day on Fat Tuesday.

In the earliest years, the KOR emblem float had folly dancing on a golden goblet between two crescent moons. In later years, the cup became a champagne glass. Folly vigorously beats the sides of that glass with inflated cow bladders. The loud wallops are meant to chase away evil.

This year's parade, with fourteen floats, paid tribute to famous and beloved "Side Kicks and Second Fiddles". The floats were designed by Mark Calametti and built by Steve Mussel's Mirth Company.

The Knights of Revelry has about two hundred and eighty active members, plus associates, honorary and senior honorary members. All new members come in as associates and can become full members after a year, as spots open up.


Carlisle is the daughter of Mark and Beth Calametti. She graduated with honors from Bayside Academy in Daphne, Alabama where she held several team and individual state titles in cross country and track and field events.

Following her interest in Exercise Science, she is attending Auburn University working towards a major in that field. She interned in Denver, Colorado this past Summer as an Occupational Therapy assistant. After graduating next year, she will attend graduate school for her master’s degree to pursue a career in Physical Therapy.

Her interests include running, videography, horseback riding and art. She debuted as Leading Lady for the Knights of Revelry at the KOR Christmas Revel on December 9, 2017 at the Battle House Grand Ballroom in Mobile, Alabama. Following Folly, she led the 2018 KOR Parade through the streets of Mobile on Fat Tuesday, and toasted the Mobile Carnival Association King and Queen at the annual KOR Reception.